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Autodesk autocad architecture 2017 fundamentals pdf free download. CAD Fundamentals For Architecture
A sketch exploration can be developed material. An effective and quick method of quickly and manipulated instantly, and is essential for communicating a design. In the early stages this representation can take A parametric 3D computer model that the form of an isometric or simple one-point perspective has been developed to create a physical sketch. You will often find it useful to sketch out your prototype using CNC fabrication proposals before attempting to model a scheme in CAD.
Model making Physical model making is also a important skill in 3D representation. From sketch to final presentation model, the medium is a very effective form of 3D communication.
In many cases it can be the best way to develop and communicate a scheme. Hand construction techniques The better your understanding of hand-drawn, hand- crafted construction, the better you will be at creating 3D forms on the computer. From my own experience, drafting an isometric to scale, or constructing a physical scale model has proved invaluable in my understanding of 3D CAD construction.
Mathematical formulas are performed instantaneously as the user plays with the fluid forms. These forms and shapes would be difficult or near impossible for most of us to draw by hand. These forms can be built, then the computer model used to set up the fabrication and construction process.
The recent development in CNC and 3D printing technology also gives us the opportunity to create physical prototypes from complex computer models. We are now able to create those forms and constructions that were once impossible to create by hand, which is very exciting. The ability to actually create The Jellyfish House by and manufacture the structure means that this type of IwamatoScott Architecture parametric form and structure is increasingly being created introduces us to a unprecedented as architecture.
The use of self- Computer modelling and fabrication are to become generative and parametric an essential component in architectural design. The conceptual [Building Information Management, see Section 5]. The 3D model starts to blur the boundaries between form, surface and construction. SketchUp has a All the software examples are capable of completing the larger tool set and Vectorworks an extended tool set.
In all same tasks [apart from some limitations with SketchUp]. The interfaces are different but if you associate yourself with the different setups you should be able to use any of 3ds Max, Maya and Form Z are primarily 3D modelling the programs effectively.
But in keeping with command. All the commands are listed and easily typed in, which can save you the time it Customize M O DEL takes to search for icons. Below are useful Command Line tools that you can simply type to activate. Similar to other modelling and programs. You have an interface with tabs. There is a drop-down menu that will the tools you need in the interface.
This is useful, but also allow you to select different object types, such as lines quite intimidating for the novice user. It would be impossible to cover the whole program here — that would be a book in itself. You can then Create refer back to this section as you work.
In each case it is a simple process. You can use this to set the viewports to top, plan and home, which is a perspective view. You can also use the scroll and pan functionality of the mouse. Holding down the Ctrl key when you do this also allows you to orbit the model.
You can change from 4 to 1 viewport for a larger working area, and Zoom and Extents are also located here. In terms of There are some similarities to 3ds Max in the interface compatibility with other software, especially 2D drawing setup, such as the position of the Move and Rotate tools. Maya uses a camera setup for whatever view you the space bar. It can sometimes be simpler to access this choose; even if you have not inserted a camera then this is menu rather than searching for a tool or operation.
Often when you bring 3D models into the program the imported geometry will disappear into hyperspace. You can give yourself a fair chance by scaling whatever you are working on into metres rather than millimetres.
Maya likes simple units, 1— You will therefore commands in Maya. Export All Export Selection If you are new to Maya, you may well choose to work from Export Selected to Mudbox. Use the Lego approach to create 3D primitives and View Image For reliability, import drawings very different.
As a modelling program it has some wonderful intuitive As with most import actions, you will usually be presented capabilities, especially for the creation of complex objects, with a series of options. Symbol Options Text Options Display Resolution In this example we have the model window as a default perspective view.
I have also deselected A and W in the Coordinates palette, which allows you to draw relative anywhere in the working space. Deselect for freedom! Project Colors Coordinates Edit Menu In 2D terms the DWG is the best option. You do have the ability to import image data, such as jpeg and PDF, but these will not allow you to snap accurately to a line as an object in space. All the Zoom tools etc. The screengrab below helps you to locate modelling tools.
View tool set www. The le. Save As Template As a method you will be required extrude 2D polygon forms before they will be Issue Manager Import IFC Page Setup Import EPSF Import PDF Import PICT Import Worksheet Pick the Architectural metric template.
Import VectorScript Without going into the specific science and mathematics of the system, you can think of the X and Y as the typical environment you first experience when drawing a plan; 3D modelling takes this one step further with the inclusion of the Z axis. By adding the Z axis, a 2D object is given height. Many programs will greet you with a four-plane interface. This typically has the top, front, back and perspective view, which are all the view elements needed to effectively model in three dimensions.
By default you can return to a classic perspective view to carry on working on the ground plane and the Cartesian coordinates remain at XYZ. This allows you to work in a default perspective view and to model in any direction of your choice.
It is sometimes useful to set XYZ coordinates to an angled reference if your geometry is not rectangular, i. Different programs have different ways of Cartesian coordinate system. AutoCAD, for example, rotates the system automatically as you use the Set View commands, front, back, etc. It can and often does leave you in a strange configuration where you can only extrude on the vertical face of an object rather than in the typical up direction of XYZ.
Programs such as SketchUp fully automate the working coordinates direction. You will be unaware that it is changing your coordinate references, which is another reason why so many people find it easy to use.
The Vectorworks 3D modelling environment is built around setting the working plane, as are other programs such as Form Z, which use a method of set reference planes. Presspull and dynamic auto tracking has in many ways replaced the need to rotate the XYZ working plane. It has an automated reference system that has the ability to pick up a face, allowing you to work at any given angle. That said, there are always times in 3D modelling when you will need to modify the XYZ system.
This will automatically pick up objects by face. The perspective here shows the typical XYZ setup. It has no option to rotate the view, plan view, etc. Untitled www.
This is very useful for working at odd angles. Plane methodology. This is similar to the UCS and reference planes we have seen in other software. By setting up a series of working planes you can navigate and draw in your chosen direction rather than just from the ground plane in Select face the Z direction.
Once selected you will be able to select a face of an object, which will in turn set the working plane in that direction. This is generally done when a drawing is Planes palette to set the plane as an additional Working complete and for presentation purposes. When using the Plane. It will allow you to create a 3D solid from Taking the example of a box, you can create this directly, complex 2D surfaces by creating a field from closed extrude it from a square, or presspull it with the Presspull objects.
It will also allow you to add and subtract to a face tool. This choice is important as inevitably things will of an existing 3D form. Computer modelling by its very nature is temperamental. The ability to try it a different way, such as directly creating a 3D solid rather than extruding it, is key to efficient development.
Often users will persist with the same operation, trying to make it work. The problem is often not software related but the chosen method of construction, or poorly constructed objects. While there will inevitably be the occasional late night, it is best to consider the different solutions available for one task. There are nearly always at least three ways to do the same thing.
It is a method of direct object generation, created by specifying two points and then a height. The Extrude command allows you to derive a 3D object from a surface object. For example, a rectangle can be transformed into a box using an Extrude command; Box a circle can be extruded into a cylinder in the same way. Presspull will allow you to extrude an object in both directions, you can also subtract from an object. Extrude will make 3D a 2D closed object.
The box command will normally allow you to directly create the 3D object. The Extrude tool requires an existing object to extrude: if it is a closed object then it will be created as a solid; if it is an open object it will be a surface mesh object. Beware, though — with complicated geometry it will often freeze the computer and you may lose work. As a general rule I always put a save on before using it and move the mouse over the area to be presspulled.
This will create a closed object out of multiple lines. Use your snaps for accuracy. Use the C command as the last move and it will close the line. Activate the 3D Snap icon and right-click on it.
Width: You can apply multiple modify actions to a prepare your plan carefully you can perform an equivalent single object operation. On a simple level it is as easy as drawing a rectangle Polygons corner to corner and then giving it height. In this case this is completed with the Polygon tool. Maya of the object needs to be scaled or you will loose your in Inputs. You extents — the model will vanish. The Create Polygon tool allows you to create polygon surfaces that can be extruded.
Due to it being a polygon it is limited to rectilinear or triangular geometry. Trace around the plan work with Point Snap You need to ensure you have the Polygons drop-down on and, when complete, selected; this gives you access to the Windows menu.
As with other 3D software, you are advised to prepare your 2D drawing as a closed object and then you can easily extrude in a similar fashion to Presspull. Maya is good in terms of assembling a surface from a group of lines. This method is suitable for creating solids out of curves and other non-rectilinear geometry. Cube Options Enter dimensions on keyboard Preset Width This tool works in tandem with a TIP selection of object types and is a frequently used feature in If this is selected by These work Form Z.
The Extrude command is located within the Derivatives tools, which is in a different location to that of the Object Creation tools. Deselect A and W from the prompts. You can now click anywhere in the window and create an object by typing in relative sizes.
In the example of a mm cube you would click anywhere in the screen. In the prompts you would enter , for the X and Y values, press enter and specify mm for the height [ Z value]. All objects have to be created from surfaces. You can draw a 3D primitive such as a box anywhere in the modelling interface.
Specify the two corners then give the object height. Select the object. You can edit the width and height using the Object Info palette. After extruding the box element you can select isometric view to see the results. If you draw with 2D tools in isometric view they will default to the plan screen until they become 3D objects. In CAD terms this can mean a simple move of typical level you will experience is to move an object. In animation to alter or sculpt the object's geometry.
Many programs will the modification process can represent the growth or keep a record of all the modifications you have made to an transition of one object to another. The ability to modify object, a history, allowing you to return to a previous state. Meshing or adding subdivisions to a solid object such as a cube allows a greater flexibility in the sculpting of complex The main transform modifications are typically Move, forms.
They are often grouped as icons in the to create objects, as the polygon count can be suitable low same field. There are many levels of these commands such in comparison to other modelling methods. The lines must intersect with no gaps. A surface object is principally a 2D plane or object, such as a circle.
These elements are commonly revered to as: point or Segment vertex, segment, face, object. A sphere is actually made of either triangular of rectangular faces; its smoothness is dependent on how many faces or facets it has. A box object can be initially made up of six faces, but in most modelling programs this can be increased with subdivisions. The diagram to the right shows a box that has had three subdivisions applied to all faces.
The sphere has had 12 subdivisions applied to it so you can clearly see the make-up of flat rectangular and triangular geometry. Polygon modelling is a very efficient way of creating complex objects.
Typically, the fewer the faces, the faster the object will render; this is quite important if you have lots of objects in a model. These low polygon objects are often used in real-time applications such as video games because they can be very efficient objects. Above Below An example of the subdivision of a This model of a house began as Subdivisions and topology sphere and cube, the sphere uses a single cube: subdivisions were If a simple object, such as a box or a sphere, has had triangular geometry to resolve added to sculpt and create the subdivisions applied to it, it can easily be modified and the poles.
This is how most objects start life in animation — as a singular object. The terraced house shown to the right was created from a singular box that had subdivisions applied to it. The subdivisions were then manipulated to create the house. This employed a relatively small file size considering the complexity.
The third diagram shows a sphere and box that have been manipulated using the various edit options available to us. A face has been extruded, a point has been moved and a segment of the object moved. Various software programs use different terminology to describe these topological points but they are all the same in principle.
Some tasks may even be performed better with the 2D tool equivalent, as this will ensure the object stays on the ground plane. When you use the 3D tools you will be able to move using the Gizmo interface.
Mesh Box, Sphere The Mesh option will create a subdivided box or, with additional options, it will create a sphere, etc. You can modify by snap points — endpoint, midpoint, etc. This keyboard command allows Specify strerch point or 1.
It will map a surface to any collection of lines, X, Y or Z directions, as long as they are connected You can modify the point or edge of an object by using the CTL Pick function. This can be activated by pressing the CTL key as you pick an object. You can specify subdivisions at the point of creation after an object has or the subdivisions can be added later by selecting the Box been created. Modifier List As with subdivision, the topological levels are integral to Box the interface.
The easiest way to activate the Pick selection is to right click on an object and select the Edit option, which in this case is Mesh. Parameters Length: If you want to return to Object select that level.
They are interchangeable as you use the Edit command. A right click pick on an object, showing the Editable Mesh option selected www. By default, the Rotate centre of any of the Transform tools may not be at the point Scale or axis that you require, so you may well need to specify a point or vertices before trying a move or scale.
You can use the Shift key to add to Edge the selection. Vertex Face Multi Face pCube You need to select the option on both levels. Form Z does not rely on a Gizmo to move objects but rather on snaps and placement. A double click or the Tool Options palette will allow you to Mesh tool specify the number of subdivisions. NOTE: You need to create an object such as a box to apply the mesh operator.
The tools have no Gizmo. You can select to scale in an NOTE: The Move tool will only move specify the axes and the angle of the axis direction or, if you pick centrally, the face. You will have to select the rotate.
The program has plugins instead that will do the equivalent through the Ruby Console. Using the midpoint option here I have subdivided this cube object. SketchUp automatically tracks to the topology. Using the Move tool to move point www. The object will remain on the ground plane in this mode. The interface is based on the drop-down menu rather than an icon interface. Scale Objects Rotate 3D You will then be able to edit the individual vertices, edge and face.
Vectorworks does not lend itself to subdivision of meshes as other programs do. By placing one object inside another we can subtract from a 3D object, using the Subtract command. Subtract Union By using the Union command we can add to an object; this command joins the two to become one object.
Sweep and Revolve object There are various other object generators and modifiers that are commonplace in the 3D modelling environment, such as Sweep, Revolve, Terrain, meshes, parametric and nurbs, just to mention a few! This would be the recommended method of creating a model in Maya. If Presspull or Extrude fails us then this can be another way around the situation. Most children have made models out of Lego, and this building block approach to 3D CAD modelling can be easily adopted as a simplified method of construction.
You can create the individual elements, then piece them together to make more complex elements such as the facade of a building with windows and door openings. This method of construction relies on the boolean commands such as Union to transform the objects into one.
This is a very tactile, realistic method of construction. Left Three primitive objects have been created in MAYA and then assembled to create a wall with a door opening. The elements are created as separate entities and then unioned together.
You can subtract an opening from an object by using another object as a element to subtract with. This relies heavily on the accurate placement of the object to be used as the subtraction. You need to ensure that it has an overall width and height that makes a clean subtraction. If the object is placed inaccurately, leaving odd angles or part of a face remaining, then it can quite often cause the file to become corrupt. This often causes a program to crash as it tries to work out bad geometry.
A way that you can ensure the accuracy of the subtraction is to make sure that it is flush or even wider than the original object that it is to be subtracted from. Another helpful method is to create a placing block that will be used to accurately drop the object into position, then delete that object after it has done its job. By performing a subtraction from a single box object you have a solid form that does not require the Union command This box is used as a subtractive element It is good practice to make the object that you A box is used to help place the subtraction are using for the subtraction bigger than the object.
It is deleted after the boolean operation. You can create a line framework and then apply a section to it. It will often, if the lines are joined together, allow you to deal with awkward junctions. This tool can be especially effective when trying to create a flowing balustrade detail. If you can break down a complex object into line construction you can often speed up your modelling efficiency and create a high level of detail.
A circle is then created and swept along the line to create the 3D object. As the line is continuous rather than broken it will resolve the corner junctions for you. Irregular planes In 3D space the line can be a great way of creating a closed object that is at an irregular angle, such as a sloping roof or angled ceiling. You can often use the C command to close a line or a double click. When picking the points on this angle I have left the last point open and use the C command to close the object.
Use this rather than the Polyline command as it allows you to draw in the Z direction. From the 2D plane you can extrude or presspull the face to make it a 3D object.
The roof structure will now extrude in the direction of the angled plane. This is very useful if you have a model that is at regular increments.
Like the use of graph paper it also allows you to work with a certain amount of freedom and accuracy. You may find it useful to create your own grid in 2D; this may not be at all representative of the final object but rather points in space that you need to create your form. You used a simple grid system in the drawing tutorial on page 24 — some of the lines were there to help you find points rather than as part of the final drawing.
Using Grid Snap to snap a line to points on a grid. The points of snap can be angular as well as horizontal and vertical. Meshes Meshes or subdivisions are useful for manipulating an object. In terms of a construction grid they are also very useful.
We can use or apply a mesh with subdivisions at set distances to help us draw complex subtractions from an object. This is sometimes easier than changing the XYZ working planes. Creating a meshed object and adding boxes to the mesh object. When performing a subtract you will be asked to select an object to use for the subtraction.
Press Enter when you have selected and then select the object you wish to subtract from. As is typical in the AutoCAD lets you know what the next move is. Revolve requires a shape or object to revolve. If it is a closed object it will be solid; if it is an open shape it will be a surface object. After selecting the object to revolve you will be asked to specify an axis — this will dictate the direction of the revolve.
Sweep Revolve www. Further operations, Name and Color Name and Color such as subtractions, can be found in the standard boolean operator.
Flip Normals need to specify the correct Segments: 16 YXZ axis, but this can be done Capping in real time, so eventually you will get the correct one. Cap Start Cap End There are lots of other Morph Grid options available to you, such as the angle of the revolve, Direction capping, mesh, etc. You need to have the Polygons menu selected to access the Windows menu; you may have it set to surfaces or another of the options. There is also a Combine tool that will allow you to select multiple objects Separate objects in a position to be unioned.
The objects need to be touching with no gaps. If you open the Booleans dialogue you can use it to apply multiple boolean operations. You will note that I have made the subtraction object bigger to ensure it will be cleanly subtracted. You need to select both the shape and the path. The path should be selected last. If you select the box icon next to the extrude it will bring up the Input dialogue so you can tailor the settings.
By selecting the box icon you can bring up the input dialogue. The axis of rotation is at origin , and as this is Maya it revolves around the Y axis. Revolve www. In the case of unioning a few objects together, it is best to preselect them and union together in one operation. There are lots of variants and useful tools. As with other programs, you need to have the 2D geometry to work with. You can also alter scale and rotation. You need to have a line as an axis.
Two operands are needed. Note that the shape and the axis path must not intersect. Note the axis line www. You geometry you create in SketchUp is can only perform a true made up of surface objects. The form created has no options to tweak. You need to draw a circle to track around — this acts as the path the revolve follows; it should be bigger than the surface you are trying to revolve.
Circle to Shape to follow resolve www. The term Extrude Create Imagr Prop You need to prepare a section to revolve sweep. You also need to specify the point at which the object will be revolved. Vectorworks uses the Locus Point tool to do this. Note: This section was drawn, and the Locus Point added, in front view.
The Extrude Along Path option will sweep a closed shape along a path direction. Shape path Swept object Revolved object www. It would be tedious to model each step individually and assemble them. This is where the Copy, Repeat Copy and Array commands come into their own. Each software interface has different methods of executing the command. Typically the Array command is used to perform multiple copies, while Copy is used for just one or two copies.
The Copy command is also sometimes known as Duplicate. Above A single object has been multiplied, rotated and scaled at set incremental stages. Use the 2D Copy option to do simple singular or multiple copies of an object. It still follows the same principles of the type — rectangular, polar, etc. The input Enter array type window has gone, however, and now Rectangular all the information is entered on PAth screen or through the command line. If you create a simple array in 2D or 3D you can use the Properties command to post edit the array e.
You also have the Copy offset on Z axis option of Rotate and Scale. The box icon is selected so the tool can be 10 copies applied as many times as needed.
The Form Z Move tool set has many levels, from singular to A basic Move is the default but you can select various options — macro moves. In this example a single Surface Styles block has been copied 12 times; the Copy mode was set to automatically repeat. The use of endpoint snap along with accurate placement Style 2 creates the steps. This tool also performs the array function. You can also scale and 1 Y Scale: Number of Rows: 3 rotate the objects in the array.
Z Scale: 1 Number of Stacks: 1 The array arrangement can be linear in a row, rectangular in rows and Distance Between Columns: columns, or circular polar. A discussed in the 3D modelling section. You may want to apply these as contextual the basic commands. Repetition is crucial for building your objects in the shop model. You will need to apply the correct type of tool for exercise.
Use point snaps to be accurate. We can now simulate and test the aesthetic qualities of our design, in some cases in real time. Artistic skill cannot be developed purely on the computer — you often see the evidence of this in computer visualizations. Remember that photo realization is not necessarily the end game; evoking the mood and atmosphere is equally important.
Camera perspectives Following the completion, or even during the development of a design, you can get into the model with a camera and see the environment in set perspective parameters. Gone are the days when you would set up a perspective grid and either use the measured or judgement method to construct a perspective representation. Shown here is their winning entry in the competition to design the new town of Gwanggyo in Korea top and their research project exploring urban farming above.
The camera allows you to navigate and select endless perspective views. For architects, interior designers can lead to problems both in production and realization. Sketch applies — you should keep the resolution of your image at rendering is very important in the design process but the a low level; quick updates of a view are invaluable when ability to check how one material reads with another is developing the composition of a render. In lighting terms it is now possible to track However, at later stages, an image that is of a low how sunlight enters a built structure accurately and in real resolution often has limited use.
If you work on the time. These models are having a significant influence on principle of outputting any image at the maximum quality the design process of contemporary building. Other settings within the render Rendering environment will also be discussed here, which will Although perspective is key, rendering is equally important allow you to tweak visual outputs, making them crisper to all the views available in the architectural palette. Isometric views or a rendered section help to describe a design more accurately.
The process of rendering follows a similar format in all CAD programs, although you will have different settings to give you different quality results. The basics of the render interface have changed little in 30 years but it has evolved to become more accurate and, to a certain extent, more complex.
Right A rendered CAD perspective, with materials, lights and environment added to the model. When modelling, the visual settings can be changed from wire line to surface with shadows, etc. These basic settings are very useful when setting up a perspective view as it can sometimes be difficult to assess the view in wireframe mode.
All software will have the ability to move through the visual settings. Interactive, shaded surface and wire line are the basic rendered representations of your model and they all work in real time and update instantly.
Setting up the camera Most camera settings are the same; to insert a camera to a view you would normally specify the start and end point of the camera view cone. Many additional settings will be similar to a physical camera, such as the use of a 35mm lens setting. Quite often a perspective can be skewed or unnatural when the camera settings are tampered with.
In general you will be looking to create a perspective view that is natural, or as you would see in a human perspective, although there are exceptions where artistic licence might be called for. In the 3D modelling environment you can also use Above Basic surface Wireframe the set orthographic views to help you navigate a model.
A Maya example of wireframe and render You can set most camera views up with orthographic a shaded surface. Whatever settings you use for a camera, its power comes from being able to set a view that you can work up. Often you will accidentally hit a good view when navigating a model, only to lose it again as you carry on.
If your model is very complicated you may want to switch from Shaded to Wireframe mode when you navigate Below Below left your model, as it can be a very A 3ds Max target camera inserted The camera view is selected processor-intensive activity to be in in plan view to get the correct to show the basic perspective interactive mode.
You can easily return to default view. Use interactive render to check the view and adjust accordingly. Interactive render may be the best setting to track around your model as it gives you a good representation of surface and form. While this may not be a true view, a bit of artistic licence can be practical when trying to set up a perspective of your scheme.
When dealing with very complex models the creation of a computer model to view can be very beneficial in render terms.
More often than not I set up a scene as a stage set, deleting everything I cannot see in the view. You effectively keep all the elements contained in the view; this is equally useful for the facade of an architectural building — deleting all the interior elements. While the computer may not be rendering the elements, it often spends time working out the rendering of hidden objects.
As a working methodology you may well choose to have a file per view. So you will have multiple files, each with a singular view where the contents reflect the view you wish to render.
For less complex models you will have Above all the views and the complete model. While this is not This view of a bathroom interior standard practice, it can effectively speed up the rendering allows you to see the bathroom process, and any increase in rendering speed is always a in its entirety. The wall has been good thing. It is often tempting to add a lot of depth and foreshortening to a perspective, yet a typical eye view is usually the best choice, since this gives a true representation of what a design would look like in real life.
There are exceptions to this rule. The visual here does use depth and foreshortening for a more dynamic effect, but take care — this is very easily overdone. This is really useful for accessing the form, composition and tonal qualities of a model. When you are dealing with glass and transparent materials it is useful to define these with a simple glass material or even a simple transparent white material.
The simplification of the model material is often reminiscent of a physical design model you would create by hand. The two examples shown here demonstrate the usefulness of leaving a scheme model white — the design can be viewed easily. Above An exploded axonometric rendered with a simple white material to express the 3D forms of the scheme. Right A mass model of an urban site, the colour elements serve to describe the design elements of the scheme.
Computers and 3D software are good these days, and if you have a really good computer then you may well be able to simulate every light fitting in an exterior or interior model.
But why would you do this when one correctly positioned light will probably give you the desired results and a lot less trouble than trying to sync 20 sets of lights?
Light without shadows can also be a pointless exercise, and can lead to the flat overexposure of an image. Aesthetically, depth and tone are as important as the need for light in a scene. Daylight, in particular, is an important consideration for any exterior or interior visual.
If you look around in real life you will see that shadows created by natural and artificial light are never uniform, thus creating depth.
Above Some core principles exist for lighting a scene, then. A basic render in Form Z of the Ensure that you use the minimal amount of lighting shop model, with the default ambient light and no shadows. Make sure, too, that you have your shadows turned on Left you can turn troublesome ones off to emphasize depth Adding two point lights to the and the surface of form.
Interior point light Exterior point light Left A simple CAD perspective of the shop model, white material with a basic lighting setup. Jim Blinn invented the Blinn shader in the early s, and it is still being used by programs today.
Materials assigned to 3D objects contain many properties, of which colour is only one. You can add reflection, images, bumps, displacements and many more attributes.
Of all the attributes available, the ability to add real images to a 3D object can have profound effect on the visual complexity of a perspective image. The image is prepared ready to be rendered in 3ds Max with the Vray plug-in. Mental Ray.
This is fine as it lets you quickly develop Render Using mental ray a model or image to a suitable level. When it comes to a final production render you will need to modify the Common Passes Features Quality Indirect Lighting settings and in some cases actually change the type of Environment render engine that you have been using.
Merge Distance 0. GI will allow you to use Photon Tracing Photon Map properties such as self illumination, which is useful as an Photon Volume alternative light source. All this accuracy of computing Importons secondary light fall does come at a price; it increases Final Gathering render times quite substantially. Final Gather is a method Point Interpolation 10 of economically computing global illumination and Primary Diffuse Scale can also be found in most rendering interfaces.
Final Gathering Quality Final Gathering Tracing Render resolution Irradiance Particles When you typically open up a 3D rendering program it Ambient Occlusion will be set either to screen size or a set resolution such Above as x dpi, or even as low as x which are The Render Settings dialogue: Global typically good resolutions to work a visualization up with. Illumination and Final Gathering settings in The x setting is particularly useful if things are Maya.
If you intend to print an image at, say, A4 on a dpi Below printer then the resolution you would need as a image The Image Size dialogue in AutoCAD; note output is going to be x !
You may get away the option to specify your own image size, with less as it will take quite some time to render could which is useful for increasing the resolution of a final render. Image Size www. When rendering you will use only two of the tab sections, Render and View. AutoCAD has a habit of moving tools around an interface and it is for that reason that the command line is your friend.
It is a simple click-and-point operation and is best placed in plan. Camera Y From this pane Lens leng W] [Current] Spot Distant Weblight www. You may not see the effect of your light on the Contrast 0. Set the units to Generic and Midtones 1. Render You can access the light settings Medium by selecting the light and using the PROP keyboard command to bring Render up the properties of the light.
Box and Planar Planar are the typical settings that you would use. Available in the the Background Override option and action. When rendered You will need to have created a named the image will be in the background. Animation Gradient View type Image Transition type Edit Playback duration 0. When you render you will most likely need to adjust the lighting Click here to open the Light Lister The Render Region option This area has been rendered www.
Specify Image Size View Shad Window Samp It will give you image size Outp Ray Tracing options as well as a chance to tinker Outp User r You can Min s Gauss Max r Rays part rendered, then use the keyboard Contr When modelling or importing a model you will want to change a few settings for Lights an effective render environment. This is quite Common illumination tab tab an extensive palette.
You will need to move from one part to the other using Choose Final Gather Renderer render the scroll bar. Caustics 3 Select Mental Ray. It is good practice to change this setting at the very beginning www. The Camera tools are based in the Create tab of the command panel.
The default is Object Creation. You will need to select the Camera icon and then the type of camera you need; in this case a Target Camera is best as it allows you to specify two points. Since you have set up as a camera any Dolly tool to zoom in adjustments will be saved. View1 This software program has a habit Slate Material Editor Navigator of using a new colour for each object Search by Name In previous versions there was only the option of the Compact Material Editor.
I personally prefer the latter, but you can use either — both will do the job. By default 3ds Max starts up with photometric lights and as you will be using Mental Ray MR to render Drop-down you will prefer to use standard Standard menu lights. You will need to use the drop-down menu to switch to these. Skylight MR Area Omni Under the visual style, Realistic has been activated and you can instantly see changes appear as the lights are added or moved.
Render After adding your lights it would be a good idea to do a test render of the view to check that the settings are good. From here you can easily Lights adjust the light parameters. To apply a texture to a material slot you use the same diffuse slot but you click the square icon to bring up a choice of map type. In the case of images you will want to load a bitmap, but this can also be a jpeg or tiff format. If you want them shown in the working viewport you will have to select Show Textures in the Viewport option.
This is very useful for tiling or texture mapping. Show Textures in viewport You will notice that the material has moved to map coordinates. While useful, this can also be confusing. To go back to the base material settings click on the drop-down menu. The to it instantly. If it is imported from texture mapping capabilities in 3ds another program such as AutoCAD Max are very complex. These are used it will not show the texture until it in gaming development.
A texture has been texture mapped. You can rotate, move, etc. Radius: 0. Photons per Sample: Custom Aperture Width mm : When you do this it will add image res Enable Multiplier: 1. Enable GI Maximun Num. Render to Fields Maximum Num. Photons per Sample: Maximum Sampling Radius: 1. Depth: 10 Max. Reflections: 10 Max. Refractions: 10 settings.
Final Gather is on by default. The Render window provides many functionality and tweaking possibilities. Floppy disk icon There are many slide settings that Area to Render: Viewport: Render Preset: you can use to improve your image. View Camera Image Precision Antialiasing is used RGB Alpha to improve the detail being rendered, such as a brick bump map or any highly detailed element in the scene, but using it will add substantially to the render time.
If the 0. Reflections: 4 Max. The interface is unique to Form Z so may seem a little alien, but the tools are quite simple to use. X Panoramic It is useful to take sets of coordinates Z Z To create a view you need to double-click in the You then need to double-click the view you The height coordinate is Z and is set empty space in the Views palette. By default it to mm in this example. Color Style 3 Color Map Options Cube to change colour and associated Transparency parameters.
None Copy From This can be useful when setting the sunlight direction. In the Background Streaks Options Style 3 Color Map Options Cube and Bump — and within these drop- Transparency Predefined Copy From In this example you can see that the object has been tiled repetitively and is out of proportion. Horizontal Tiling Vertical Tiling Size Delete Rename Further adjustments may be made by clicking on the object with the Texture Map tool. I tend to work exclusively in RenderZone throughout the whole render development process as it can be quite quick at refreshing.
RenderZone selection. This also Static Renderers contains the GI settings. Quick Paint Options Hidden Line Options Surface Render Options Shaded Render Options RenderZone Options Doodle Options This section introduces some of the basic tools.
It can be useful to set the Maya menu Render Settings to Rendering and to select the Render tab as this contains nearly all the tools needed. You can open the Render Settings window by using an icon found in two different places. The simplest way of adding a target camera is to use the You can also add a basic camera using the Add Camera and Aim option.
This will Camera to Grid icon allow you to modify the position and the view point. To select a camera to view you can Camera view Camera location Eye point use the panels drop-down and select the appropriate camera.
This dialogue also allows you to go back to the default camera views and create a new view. Once you have selected a view you can use any of the Camera tools located in the View panel to Track, Dolly, Zoom, etc. This contains all the attributes lambert: lambert1 Presets of the object, including the material Show Hide and construction. See system requirements. Make use of over 8, intelligent architectural components, including multi-level blocks, to support various layer standards.
Should one of the pre-existing layer standards not meet the needs of your project, you can create your own by customizing an existing one. Learn more. Save time and increase productivity by automatically generating commonly used architectural objects such as floor plans, elevations, sections, and ceiling grids.
Use elements with real-world behavior and construction, allowing for quicker placement in the documents and drawings that you create. Check out and check in files to maintain versioning, prevent unauthorized modifications, and ensure drawing integrity. Easily revert to an earlier version of your drawing with comments history, and view the drawing name appended with check-in time.
The toolset creates multiple layers according to the current standard, using predefined layer standards and matching layer key styles. This lets you automatically generate layers as needed when you add objects to a drawing. With the Display System, you only have to draw an architectural object once. The appearance of that object will change automatically to meet the display requirements of different types of drawings, view directions, and levels of detail.
Enhance your design options. Organize reports with spaces, and use zones to structure spaces into various groups, according to different schemes.
Use the Detail Component Manager dialog box to seamlessly navigate between different detail component databases. A hierarchical tree view and a filter feature make it easy to locate individual components within a database.
Display existing, demolished, and new construction in a single drawing. This lets you design and produce renovations more quickly, while avoiding errors typically caused by editing multiple drawings.
Productivity data based on a series of studies commissioned by Autodesk to an outside consultant. As with all performance tests, results may vary based on machine, operating system, filters, and even source material. While every effort has been made to make the tests as fair and objective as possible, your results may differ. Product information and specifications are subject to change without notice.
All rights reserved. Contact sales at Talk to sales: Have Autodesk contact you. Download free trial. See pricing options. Productivity study. Automatically generate floor plans, elevations, sections, and ceiling grids. Quickly place walls, doors, and windows with real-world construction.
Stairs model designed with the Architecture toolset. Architecture toolset features.
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